Fees and Fee Assistance

RTC is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology (ACT). The tuition fees are set by ACT on an annual basis. More information about tuition fees is available at https://www.actheology.edu.au/tuition-fees

The 2025 Fee Schedule is available for download below.


The Commonwealth Government FEE-HELP Scheme (FHS) for Private Higher Education Providers will continue in 2025. The FHS is a similar student loan scheme to the HECS-HELP Scheme for public university students.

Under the FHS, upon application by an eligible student, tuition fees of subjects taken for credit will be paid on the student’s behalf, in the same as HECS-HELP. The student then accrues a debt with the ATO, to be repaid through the PAYG tax system upon employment.

The provision of FHS is separate from existing Centrelink Student Support Allowances, such as Austudy, Abstudy, Youth Allowance and Rent Assistance.

The FEE-HELP Information Booklet and Request for FEE-HELP Assistance (Application Form) are available from the College’s Administration Office.


As an affiliated college of the Australian College of Theology, the Reformed Theological College is a participant in the ACT’s Tuition Assurance arrangements. This requirement is to protect a student in the event that the Australian College of Theology (or the Reformed Theological College) ceases to provide a course of study in which a student is enrolled. The meaning of ‘ceasing to provide a course of study’ is set out in the HEP Guidelines. The RTC complies with the Australian College of Theology’s Unit Results and Enrolment Policy in this matter.


(including Withdrawals and Refunding of Fees)

The RTC complies with the policy for Unit Results and Enrolment as provided by the Australian College of Theology.

All enquiries should be forwarded to the RTC’s Registrar.


RTC students who are communicant members of a supporting CRCA or RCNZ church are welcome to apply for an assistance scholarship with their enrolment each semester. Candidates for ordination may receive $375 for every class-based unit taught in Melbourne (including intensives) and $250 for units taken by distance correspondence. Other supporting church students receive $125 per semester unit. Please contact the registrar for further information.