
How-To: Skills for Everyday Ministry | Series 2


A one-day workshop to equip your people with the essential skills for everyday ministry.

Every day, people at church and in Christian ministries engage in tasks such as leading small groups, service leading, prayer in groups and juggling dozens of other responsibilities. But each takes skill and often there’s little training. This half-day event is your chance to upskill in the things people do every day in Christian ministry. It is perfect for ministry interns, apprentices, ministry leaders and active church members who want to know how to.

What do we have in store for you in Series 2?

At this event we’ll be hosting workshops on leading an effective bible study, preparing great bible study questions, writing short devotions or blogs, and mentoring. Each workshop will be a mix of input, exercise and interaction, featuring Heather Reid, Murray Capill, Phillip Scheepers and Stephen Lewis.

Workshop Schedule

9:00AM | Welcome, Prayer, Announcements

9:10AM | Workshop 1 – How-To Lead an Effective Bible Study (Murray Capill)

10:00AM | Stand-Up Break

10:05AM | Workshop 2 – How-To Prepare Great Bible Study Questions (Stephen Lewis)

10:50AM | Morning Tea Break

11:20AM | Workshop 3 – How-To Be a Good Mentor (Heather Reid)

12:20PM | Stand-Up Break

12:25PM | Workshop 4 – How-To Write an Interesting Short Article (Phillip Scheepers)

1:00PM | Event Finish

Workshop Speakers

Heather Reid

Heather has a wealth of experience as a gifted mentor, trainer and educator. She began her career as a physiotherapist and went on to become a theological student, student worker with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students, and most recently, a Hebrew and Old Testament lecturer at the Evangelical College of Asian in Singapore. Heather’s passion is that as preachers and ministry workers listen to the Word and are changed by it in their preparation, they are able to share its truths in a way that engages both the heart and the mind of their hearers. 

Murray Capill

Murray is originally from New Zealand where he pastored a church in Auckland for 10 years. He came to Australia in 2001 to teach part-time at RTC and continue in pastoral ministry in the CRCA. Since 2006 he has taught practical theology full-time and for 12 years he served as the Principal of the College. He is the author of Preaching with Spiritual Vigour (2004) and The Heart is the Target (2014). Murray is Dean of Ministry Development and the Lecturer in Pastoral Ministry at the College.

Phillip Scheepers

Phillip joined the College in 2010 bringing a wealth of experience in missions and church-based training. He is originally from South Africa where he studied for the ministry and obtained his DTh. from the University of the Free State. After initial mission work in South Africa he moved to London where he worked for Veritas College for 8 years, establishing training ministries for local church leaders in the Arab world. That work eventually led him to Australia in 2007 to help secure accreditation for the Veritas training in the Australian vocational training sector. At the RTC he serves as Principal and Lecturer in Missions and Church History.

Stephen Lewis

Dr. Lewis comes to RTC from Knowlton Presbyterian Church in New Jersey where he recently pastored for six years. Stephen has extensive ministry experience and has also taught in the online program at Westminster Theological Seminary. He holds three degrees, including a PhD in Hermeneutics and Biblical Interpretation (Old Testament), awarded by Westminster Theological Seminary Philadelphia in 2018. Stephen is the new Lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew at the College.

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