Give to RTC

RTC depends on the generous support of individuals and churches who share our vision of providing Christ-centered training for life and ministry. We rely on donations from financial supporters in addition to the income we receive from student fees, membership fees, business ventures and our supporting denominations.

Over many years, we have seen God provide in wonderful ways through the generosity of his people.

By financially supporting the RTC you are investing in the work of training and equipping people for gospel ministry and for service in God’s kingdom. We have embarked on an ambitious plan to grow and strengthen the work of the College through the Melbourne campus, improved options for flexible delivery of education, high quality guest lecturers, new discipleship training materials, and enhanced promotion of the RTC’s ministry. These are cost-heavy initiatives and we would value your support.

We encourage you to consider:

Tax Deductibility

Reformed Theological College is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). It is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. All gifts of $2 or more made to the RTC are tax deductible in Australia.

Please contact the office regarding tax deductible gifts from New Zealand residents.


You can advance the ministry of RTC far into the future by including the RTC in your will.

Bequests, large or small, open up to RTC wonderful options for expanding our work of raising, equipping and supporting people of all generations for Christ-centered life and ministry.

Download the RTC Bequest Brochure


A Will is usually prepared by a solicitor. For most people the first concern is to provide for their family; and then to make “bequests” to organisations like the RTC. If you’re making a Will or have one already, a solicitor can help you include the RTC in it.


There’s flexibility in what you provide. You could leave part of your estate to the RTC, or give a specific amount of money. The bequest can be made for RTC’s general purposes or for a specific purpose that is close to your heart. When you do make a bequest, we’d love to know so we can thank you personally. For more information, please request a bequest pack below.


Please contact our office.