During his doctoral defence (held July 5th, via Zoom due to travel restrictions) John Lee, our Academic Support Officer, successfully defended his thesis on Dutch Theologian Franciscus Junius. As a result he was officially awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the Free University of Amsterdam (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). This is a massive achievement and we are very proud of John for his hard work and perseverance in completing his studies. It is also our prayer that the Lord will continue to use the knowledge that John has gained for His glory.
If you are interested in reading, his manuscript titled, The Orders of Nature and Grace Thomistic Concepts in the Moral Thought of Franciscus Junius, is available via the university website.
The RTC family couldn’t be prouder of John for his hard work and perseverance in completing his studies, and we wish him a heartfelt congratulations! It is also our prayer that the Lord will continue to use the knowledge that John has gained for His glory.