On the 1st of May, we co-hosted an event, called ‘Transformed: Changing Our World Through Biblical Thinking’, with Christian Education National (CEN) at the Melbourne campus. Chris Prior, Simon Kennedy, and Fiona Partridge were invited to speak on the theme of Christian worldview, and they did an excellent job of relating Christian worldview perspective to various areas of leadership, teaching, and ministry. Stephen Lewis also led an elective session on worldview lessons from the Old Testament, and it was a great event overall. Once again, we would like to thank everyone who worked hard to make it possible.
Audio recordings of the three plenary sessions and the Q&A session are now available to purchase from our website store through the link below:
Transformed Worldview Seminar
Audio recordings from our recent Transformed Worldview Seminar with Simon Kennedy, Chris Prior, Phillip Scheepers, Fiona Partridge and Stephen Lewis